The Thermal Cogeneration Plant produces electricity and steam. The electricity produced meets a large part of the energy needs of the Milazzo Refinery and the residual part is transferred to the National Electricity Transmission Grid for. The steam produced is directed to the Milazzo refinery.
It is a combined cycle cogeneration plant, fuelled by natural gas, which allows for the sustainable production of high-efficiency electricity. The steam used for the production of electricity is, in fact, also used for the technological processes of the plant.
The plant, which has been in operation since 1999, has been fully connected to the refinery since 2019. The connection was followed by further technological updates which increase the flexibility of the plant, the integration with the refinery and reduce its emissions. Indeed, thanks to the electricity supplied by the plant, the stability of the systems is guaranteed and emissions due to energy-intensive shutdowns and restarts are avoided.

The Thermal Cogeneration Plant is authorised for operation in accordance with the provisions of the Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA) DEC-MIN-0000085 issued on 03/11/2021 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
the Decree of the Ministry of Ecological Transition reports the quantitative emission limits
The monthly emission data are communicated to ARPA Sicilia on a monthly basis.