The Pact for Safety and the Environment 2022 was signed between the Milazzo Refinery and its allied companies. The “zero accidents” and “environmental protection” objectives remain a priority for the entire industrial sector, and this is why RAM and all the stakeholders involved in the event once again reaffirmed their utmost commitment and attention to the safety of workers and the environment in which they operate.
The pact goes beyond the simple identification of shared objectives, its intrinsic message is above all that of enhancing integration and teamwork as indispensable elements to operate in a correct and sustainable manner. The Milazzo Refinery must be identified as an integrated system, where all the respective components must contribute to continuous improvement.
Therefore, clear objectives, shared with all workers by the contractors who signed the Pact, constant monitoring of operational activities in the refinery, attention to positive/negative safety and environmental behaviour; these are all factors that will allow RAM to maintain its leadership in the field of occupational safety.