Category Archives: News

VOC reduction at Raffineria di Milazzo’s SRU complex

“Based on new environmental regulations focusing on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at the emissions point of a refinery’s sulfur recovery unit (SRU), Raffineria di Milazzo—a JV between Eni and Kuwait Petroleum Italia—carried out troubleshooting activities to identify and implement suitable actions to minimize the concentration of VOCs at the emissions point of the SRU complex. This article shares a troubleshooting case study (analysis and related solutions) as a support reference when facing similar environmental topics…..” Read more: VOC reduction at raffineria di Milazzo’s SRU complex – Part 1  VOC reduction at raffineria di Milazzo’s SRU complex – Part 2  

Re-starting Ram Plant Operations

RAM Management informs that scheduled activities of maintenance, started at the end of February, are going to be completed soon. In parallel the plant re-starting operations and implementation are nearly accomplished. Within ten days the plant will be in full operations but this could cause temporary and limited activation of the torch safety system with a potential visible impact . The Management and the Operations staff are commited in ensuring full respect of HSE standards.

Energy Transition- RAM role and contribution

Energy Transition- RAM role and contribution (GD Eng. Mr Marcello Tarantino) On the 15th of February the 11th edition of ” Il salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale ” took place in Messina at the Rectorate of University of Messina.(Cannizzaro Auditorium) Such event has given the chance to deepen such a critical subject as the Energy Transition. The event has seen the partecipation (either in presence or on streaming) of all main Industry strakeholders including professionals and local entrepeneurs. It has been also a moment to share views and opinions about the current business scenario with its own implications and potential challenges. The GD of RAM (Eng Mr Tarantino) has intervened giving a specific contribution on the definition of “Inudustrial Symbiosis” and on the way of contributing in transforming a Company Industrial Production Model in light with the targets related to the new Energy Transition politics.

Installation of new power plants, Refinery and Municipalities reach agreement

On the 19th of January 2023, the Refinery signed an agreement with representatives of the municipalities of Milazzo, San Filippo del Mela and the city of Messina related to the delivery of control units requested by the mayors partecipating at the Services Conference AIA in 2018. The document was signed after a meeting held at the Comune di Milazzo among General Director, Marcello Tarantino, Mayor of Milazzo, Giuseppe Midili, the council member of Comune di San Filippo del Mela, Francesco De Gaetano, delegated by mayor Giovanni Pino and Giuseppe Cacciola, pubblic officer at the “Città Metropolitana” Administration of Messina. Two out of three control units, previously purchased by the Refinery, are going to be assigned to the town of Milazzo whereas the remaining one to the one of San Filippo Del Mela. The agreement states, as agreed by the representatives, that the control units will be installed by the Refinery team, while their specific use will be agreed with ARPA Office over next few days as requested by the mayors.

Ram was among the top prize winners at the Hydrocarbon Processing Awards 2022

Nearly 150 oil&gas industry experts gathered on 12 October in Houston, Texas, to select and award the winners from the finalists of the 2022 HYDROCARBON PROCESSING AWARDS. It is one of the most prestigious international awards that intends to enhance technological innovations in the midstream and downstream sectors. The Milazzo Refinery (RAM) partecipated in the gala ceremony, and won with a paper in the “Best Health, Safety Or Environmental Contribution” section that specifically targets a technological/operational solution for the minimisation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the chimneys of a refinery’s sulphur plants. Technology that was recently successfully implemented at RAM and, with the recognition obtained, has become a best practice for the industry. A prestigious achievement that confirms RAM’s focus and commitment to environmental sustainability and operational excellence.

Safety and Environment Pact 2022 signed

The Pact for Safety and the Environment 2022 was signed between the Milazzo Refinery and its allied companies. The “zero accidents” and “environmental protection” objectives remain a priority for the entire industrial sector, and this is why RAM and all the stakeholders involved in the event once again reaffirmed their utmost commitment and attention to the safety of workers and the environment in which they operate. The pact goes beyond the simple identification of shared objectives, its intrinsic message is above all that of enhancing integration and teamwork as indispensable elements to operate in a correct and sustainable manner. The Milazzo Refinery must be identified as an integrated system, where all the respective components must contribute to continuous improvement. Therefore, clear objectives, shared with all workers by the contractors who signed the Pact, constant monitoring of operational activities in the refinery, attention to positive/negative safety and environmental behaviour; these are all factors that will allow RAM to maintain its leadership in the field of occupational safety.

RAM e gli investimenti 2022. Presentato il piano alle OO.SS.

La Raffineria di Milazzo continua ad investire e anche nel 2022, nonostante uno scenario economico incerto ed un mercato petrolifero molto complesso, prevede di investire oltre 100 milioni di Euro. La Raffineria di Milazzo continua ad investire e anche nel 2022, nonostante uno scenario economico incerto ed un mercato petrolifero molto complesso, prevede di investire oltre 100 milioni di Euro con l’obiettivo dichiarato, da parte degli Azionisti, di continuare il percorso finalizzato al mantenimento degli standard di eccellenza raggiunti e di sostenibilità nel lungo periodo con particolare focus sui temi dell’efficienza energetica e della transizione energetica. E’ quanto emerso nell’incontro annuale tra l’azienda, le organizzazioni sindacali sia interne che dell’indotto, gli imprenditori e Sicindustria Messina. “Una chiara testimonianza della fiducia degli azionisti nei confronti della raffineria e delle persone che vi operano e della loro volontà di continuare un percorso di eccellenza in uno scenario complesso che richiede da una parte il continuo efficientamento dei processi esistenti, ma parallelamente lo sviluppo di una transizione energetica sostenibile sotto l’aspetto economico, ambientale e sociale” è quanto affermato dal Direttore Generale della RAM, Marcello Tarantino. Nel corso dell’incontro i manager della RAM hanno illustrato alcuni dei progetti di investimento con un focus particolare […]

Avvicendamenti nella Governance della Società

Il Cda della Raffineria di Milazzo, nella seduta del 27 Aprile 2022, ha deliberato i seguenti avvicendamenti nella Governance della società: Walter Rizzi Presidente; Marcello Tarantino (con decorrenza 1 maggio 2022) Direttore Generale; Ignazio Arces Consigliere di Amministrazione ed Amministratore Delegato, affiancando nel ruolo Roberto Grillo; Fadhel Al Faraj Consigliere di Amministrazione. Il ringraziamento per l’opera prestata e l’elevato impegno professionale va a Bernardo Casa, Alfredo Barbaro, Giuseppe Zappalà e Luca Amoruso.

Disservizio impianto FCC

La Raffineria di Milazzo comunica che nel pomeriggio del 6 agosto si è verificato un disservizio all’impianto FCC del ciclo benzine a causa di un malfunzionamento elettrico. Il successivo riavvio ha generato una imprevista fumosità legata alla combustione di idrocarburi che è stata prontamente controllata. L’impianto è stato quindi fermato per completare le necessarie verifiche tecniche.


Questa mattina alle ore 9.30 circa due dipendenti della Raffineria RAM, mentre svolgevano attività di assistenza a lavori di pulizia industriale eseguiti da ditta esterna specializzata, sono stati investiti da un getto di acqua calda prodotto da una delle apparecchiature dell’impresa appaltatrice che ha provocato ustioni valutate di primo e secondo grado. L’immediata attivazione delle procedure di sicurezza di stabilimento hanno consentito al presidio medico di Raffineria di garantire un trattamento immediato, prima dei successivi trasferimenti presso le strutture Ospedaliere. RAM ha attivato contestualmente le necessarie verifiche.